Tag Archives: Jennifer Wene

Happy Boss’s Day! Edugator Spotlight: Jennifer Wene

As a result of the reconfiguration of administrative “Communities of Practice” (COPS) groups to allow for feeder school administrators to meet and collaborate monthly, I have a new “boss” this year! Jennifer Wene, Director of Academic Achievement and Professional Development, is my supervisor and oversees all things Granby. This change in bosses has been a very smooth transition for me and for the Granby staff.


Jennifer leads this COPS group. She is pictured above in black with white dots.

I have known Jennifer for a long time. She has held multiple roles in our district including Special Education Director, Principal at Slate Hill (opened that building and still claims it as hers), and others that I can’t remember because her history goes back way too far. Jennifer is one of the few administrators in Worthington that has been with Worthington Schools longer than I have. She has a myriad of talents and has stayed with Worthington because she loves the community and is fully invested in the students, staff, families, and residents that have high stakes in the excellent education provided by Worthington Schools.

Jennifer has been a teacher and mentor to me since I began my administrative journey back in 2000. As a classroom teacher, I began my Master’s degree and administrative licensure program simultaneously. Jennifer, along with Gerald Prince and several other district administrators, were our “professors” for most of the graduate classes we took in-district. I have many fond memories of evenings spent in the Sutter Park library listening, learning, collaborating, and really having my thinking about leadership challenged. Those classes were the beginning of my quest to understand and develop leadership qualities that would have an impact on student growth on a broader scale. (Just so you know, I am still on that quest and always will be…) Jennifer had a significant impact on my development as a leader and she still does.

Jennifer Best and Jennifer Wene at the Warrior Run

Jennifer Best and Jennifer Wene at the Warrior Run

Jennifer has a really tough job. All things relating to student achievement (testing, data, curriculum, professional development, and the list goes on…) fall under Jennifer’s responsibility and it is a responsibility that she does not take lightly. She constantly seeks the right information, resources, opportunities, instructional materials, etc. that will have the “biggest bang for the buck” in helping students grow and learn. Jennifer also understands that we are educating children who have a wide range of skills, interests, talents, and dreams. She appreciates the diverse opportunities available to our students, both in and out of the classroom… something we hold very near and dear to our hearts at Granby. She is passionate about students and refuses to provide anything less than the best for our kids.imageAs a “boss,” Jennifer knows that building principals need support… she has walked a mile in our shoes. She is there for me whenever I need her just has she has been throughout my leadership journey. Jennifer understands that it is important to connect with others and have fun along the way. She’s a good sport!

Today is Boss’s Day. A day to recognize and thank bosses for all they do. Thank you, Jennifer Wene, for being a great boss to me!

‘Ohana Means Family

Last Saturday was a family-filled day for me.  An opportunity to reconnect with some members that I don’t get to see as often as I would like.  This kind of day renews me and reminds me of how much I have to be thankful for.

The day began with a 5K event in Westerville for the Central Ohio Spina Bifida Alliance.  A large group of folks gathered together to walk in honor of Simeon Lee Smith, one of the newest members of the Worthington Schools family.  Simeon is the most adorable, fight-for-a turn-to-hold-him, soak up all his baby goodness, son of Greg and Mary Evelyn Smith (library media specialist at Liberty Elementary). He is one of the strongest little guys I know and is probably nearing a milestone in his life where he has spent more time out of the hospital than in it.  Although Simeon was born in May, he was a member of our school family long before his debut.  How cute is he??!!

I didn’t actually take a count, but I believe that there were between 40-50 members of “Mr. Simeon’s Mustachioed Dashers” participating in Saturday’s event.  Several of them were Smith family relations, but the majority of this group was comprised of current and retired staff and their family members from Liberty, some parents and students, library media specialists from across the district, and one central office administrator.  I know that Mary Evelyn was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, but hey… that’s how family rolls!  We’re there for each other and embrace opportunities to show our support.  It was a beautiful fall morning and it was a great time of friends, fellowship, and family as we walked (aside from the younger, healthier Boulware duo who ran) the trail to raise money for this worthy organization.

The afternoon was spent with my nuclear family, doing laundry, running a son to work, and other typical “family” things.  Comfortable time with those we love and know best.  I have to admit that when the boys were younger, there were times when it felt like our definition of family was “a locally independent organized crime unit.”

Saturday evening I decided to pick up dinner for Mom on my way to spend the night with Dad at the hospital.  On my way, I came across a stranded motorist (with a smoking car).  Now I am not typically one to stop and help a stranger on the road (too many “stranger danger” stories from my police officer son), but I noticed the Granby Gator magnet on the back of the car.  There was no way I was going to leave a member of our Granby family stranded!  So I stopped, introduced myself, and made sure help arrived.  Motorist tip… If you travel the northwest quadrant of the school district often, a Granby Gator magnet is better than AAA!  Just saying…

When I arrived at the hospital, Dad said to me, “You don’t need to stay with me sweetie.  You should be home with your family.”  To that I replied, “What do you think YOU are?”  Mom, Dad, and my older sisters… my first family.  What he didn’t realize is that I had already spent the whole day with family… extended family.


Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place

An association of people who share common beliefs or activities

At Granby, we have a special school song to “We Are Family.”  It emphasizes the Granby virtues and what ties us together.  It’s pretty special to hear 440 children and their teachers all singing this together at an assembly.  But what’s even more special is to see it in action.  At Granby, we ARE family!!  And we are part of the Worthington Schools family!  Walking the talk…

A fine, fine family in A Fine, Fine School in a fine, fine district!!  Rock on Worthington Schools family!  You’re the BEST!!